With plans to consolidate its leadership position in the SCV segment, Mahindra has now launched the updated Bolero Pik-Up today in Pune. It has also introduced a larger 1.7T variant (baptized as Maha Strong Bolero Pik-up) to address the needs of customers demanding higher pay-load capacity. Introductory Festival period pricing for the 1.3T variant starts at Rs 6.66 lakhs, while the larger 1.7T variant can be purchased at Rs 6.88 lakhs (ex-showroom).
The additional variant will join the existing Bolero Pik-Up lineup which primarily consists of the 1.3 & 1.5 tonne versions. All variants are powered by the 2.5 litre M2DI-CR diesel engine however it is available in different states of tune to work out a balance between power and fuel economy. The motor churns out 63hp for the 1.3T & 1.5T variants while it delivers 70hp for the 1.7T version.
Updates on the model range include minor design tweaks, refreshed interiors, wider co-driver seat, headrests and a recline feature for the front seats. The new 1.7T variant gets double bearing axle, strong 9-leaf spring suspension and wide 15-inch tires. The suspension setup promises 1 lakh km of service life without any maintenance. These updates are available on the 1.3T & 1.5T variants as well, however for these two, Mahindra has planned to continue with the 8-leaf spring suspension setup, which was on offer in the past as well.
Mahindra states that the Maha Strong, Maha Bolero Pik-Up provides class leading load carrying capacity of 1.7 tonnes along with a 9 ft cargo box capacity. This combined with the fuel economy of 14 kmpl can provide a great value proposition for the buyers.
To make the offering more attractive, Mahindra has introduced a special scheme which provides 2 years of free maintenance and a Rs 4 lakh buy-back guarantee after a period of 4 years.
Mahindra’s Bolero Pick-Up has been a key driver for its growth in the SCV segment. It sold approximately 1,60,000 units of the Pick-Up in FY2018 while the closest rival, the Tata Ace family could manage 1,52,498 units in the same duration. Mahindra states that it already has over 10 lakh happy Pik-Up customers.