Astride a BMW S1000RR, Paul Whyatt, of Thorney, Cambridgeshire thought he could get away with breaking the law on many counts but was soon brought to book. Not only did gym owner Whyatt speed down the road at 290 kmph but he is also charged with changing the number plate of his BMW S1000R which is registered for a car in Hampshire. Whyatt thought he could evade capture in this way.
Whyatt has finally been arrested and has been imprisoned for 30 months (2.5 years). He was seen speeding across the A1M southbound road from Sawtry to Huntingdon. He overtook officers on an emergency call on the A15 Paston Parkway but took a turn onto A47 towards Thorney at breakneck speeds. He is even spotted on the police dashcam waving to officers.
It was in another speeding incident at Thorney that Whyatt was using his own number plate that led to his arrest after police traced it to his home on Wisbech Road. He argued his case stating that a person from his gym was test riding the bike in a bid to buy it. However, further investigations proved false.
There were no records of any person from the gym riding the bike while CCTV footage proved it was Whyatt himself wearing the same clothing as the speeding biker and it was also the same rucksack that he carried that matched earlier footage. The rucksack also contained a sheath knife and though there is no evidence that Whyatt intended to use it, it is also a prohibited item to be carried around carelessly.
Motorcyclist Paul Whyatt, 57, jailed.Following his arrest, Whyatt has been sentenced to 14 months for perverting the course of justice and 14 months for dangerous driving along with 2 months for possessing and carrying a knife.