Honda 2W sales are mostly driven by Activa here in India like clockwork with a 52.25% share of total Honda domestic sales
Honda Motorcycles & Scooters India is one of the most valuable motorcycle companies in the world. Due to its immense volume generated from domestic sales as well as exports, Honda is just a little shy of beating Hero MotoCorp, which is revered as the highest-selling motorcycle company in India for a long time.
India is one the largest 2W market in the world and is of stark importance to establish dominance. Honda sold 4,23,226 units here in India with a 21,746 unit volume gain and registered 5.42% YoY growth with 4,01,480 units sold in August 2021. Not too shabby. With Activa at the helm, Honda is able to put out a lot of volumes and drive numbers forward.
Honda Activa series sold 2,21,143 units registering a solid 8.05% YoY growth with volume gain standing at 16,484 units. It commands 52.25% of total Honda sales in India. Next is CB Shine with a 28.39% share. It sold 1,20,139 units and registered a de-growth of 7.53% YoY and lost 9,787 units. After the two heavy lifters, next is Dio with just 29,714 units sold and seeing 10.47% YoY growth.
Honda Domestic Sales Breakup Aug 2022
Unicorn 160 commuter bike has re-gained popularity in recent times and registered 341.12% YoY growth with 25,051 units sold. Unicorn accounts for 5.92% of total Honda sales in India. At 5th and 6th place are Livo and Dream which register 10.93% and 16.74% de-growth YoY. Royal Enfield rivaling CB350 sold 3,714 units and registered 254.73% YoY growth.
Hornet 2.0 and X-Blade stand at 8th and 9th place with 143.96% and 2034% YoY growth respectively. Sales stand at 1,010 units and 929 units respectively. Newly launched XPulse 200 rival, CB200X faux ADV sold 404 units. Honda’s CB300R seems to have resurrected from the dead as it only sold 1 unit in Aug 2021 and sold 258 units in August 2022 with 25,700% YoY growth.
CBR650R sold 33 units in India and fell in the red with a 10.81% YoY drop. At the bottom, we have Grazia 125 scooter, Africa Twin ADV, CB500X and Gold Wing that didn’t garner any sales. Most surprising is Grazia 125 which sold 8,618 units last year.
Honda Exports Breakup Aug 2022
Motorcycle X scooter hybrid, Navi tops Honda’s exports. Honda exported 11,934 units of Navi while registering 114.25% YoY growth. Navi makes 30.76% of total Honda exports. Dio is in 2nd spot with 10,701 units shipped, registering 105.31% growth with a decent 27.22% of total exports. CB Shine is well received globally and sees 32.33% YoY growth with 3,414 units shipped.
X-Blade stands at 4th place and shipped 3,348 units while witnessing a 19.60% drop YoY. However, Dream commuter shipped 2,892 units and saw 57.86% growth YoY with 7.36% of Honda’s total exports. Unicorn isn’t chased as much in global markets and witnesses a 9.09% drop in sales.
Livo shipped 1,500 units in August 2022. Grazia and Hornet 160R are not well received globally like last year and registered a 45.12% and 57.00% drop in sales YoY. Honda has shipped 800 Aviators while it is discontinued in India. Even though Activa is a coup de grace here in India, it is not a popular product globally. With just 392 units shipped, Activa exports dropped 36.16%.
Showing appearance on export charts, we have CB350 with just 1 unit shipped with a 99.88% drop YoY. In total, Honda shipped 39,307 units while registering 30.53% YoY growth with 9,193 units gained in volumes. One trend to be highlighted is that Honda budget commuters are seeing a decline steadily while Hero is lapping up aggressively.