15 year old teenager, Mohammad Umar Sheikh was gifted a brand new KTM Duke 390 by his parents earlier this month. On Sunday evening, he was performing stunt on his brand new bike, with his 19 yr old neighbour, Mohammad Anas as pillion.
Eye witnesses stated that the stunt went wrong, and there was a huge crash. The rider, 15 yr old Mohammad died and the pillion were taken to a nearby hospital.The rider succumbed to injuries after reaching hospital, while the pillion is fighting for life in ICU.
The incident took place at Delhi’s Shastri Park. As per local police, Mohammad had been requesting his parents to get him the new KTM Duke 390 after he saw the bike on road. Initially his parents were not willing to buy him the bike. But after constant persistence, Mohammad’s parents gave in and finally bought him the new Duke 390 earlier this month as a gift.
Mohammad was a Class 8th student in a private school. He is survived by his parents, two brothers, and a sister. As per the police, this is what happened – “They were returning home when Sheikh began performing stunts on the bike that he was driving at a high speed. He lost control and they fell off the bike and suffered serious injuries.”
Parents are advised not to gift their children powerful machines, especially when they are not in the right frame of mind to understand the machine. There is a reason why the Govt does not give driving / riding license to those who are under 18 years of age.
Even if you have a license, it does not mean that you fully understand the machine. It takes years of practice, and patience to become an expert. And even then, there is no guarantee that you are accident proof. What are people thinking when they are gifting such powerful machines to their kids? They are not only putting the life of their kids in danger, but also endangering the lives of those who are on the road.