The $16.9 billion Mahindra Group has put into motion vehicles powered by bio-CNG at the Mahindra World City in Chennai. The bio-CNG fuel is generated at their plant itself. Inaugurated by Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy, the buses are introduced on a trial basis to showcase this technology while they will be made available for commercial use later on once they prove their success and acceptability.
The bio gas generated at Mahindra World City will be used for fueling these buses and tractors while this power will also be used for street lighting, shuttle service buses and for tractors. The plant involves an investment of INR 1.6 crore and is part of a joint venture between Mahindra Research Valley (MRV) and Mahindra World City Developers Limited (MWCDL).
(L-R) Shri. Piyush Goyal, Honourable Minister of State (Independent Charge) – Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, and Dr. Pawan Goenka, Executive Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. at the inauguration of Mahindra’s Bio-CNG plant in Mahindra World City, ChennaiA total of 8 tons of food and kitchen waste generated each day at MWC will be converted to 1,000 cubic meters of bio gas. This raw gas will generate 400 kgs of CNG grade fuel each day which is equal to a 200kW power plant while a by-product of 4 tons of organic fertilizer will also be produced each day to us be used as fertilizer or mixed with compost material for making of compost fertilizer.
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To ensure that Mahindra bio-CNG buses project is a success, Mahindra Group has entered into partnership with MWC for collection of waste and with Khadi and Village Industries Commission, IIT Delhi for development of technology besides with Naandi Foundation to reach out to farmers.