A Toyota Innova driver has been arrested for parking his car in the middle of the railway platform. The reason, he says that he was too sleepy to realize where he is parking the car. Even then, the big question is, what was the authority doing when he drove the car on to the damn platform?
Rajesh Yadav, the driver of the Toyota Innova decided to park the car on the railway station in the early hours of 25th Nov. As he was very sleepy, he did not realise where he was parking the car. According to him, he thought he was parking his car inside a multi-storey car park. Rajesh parked his Toyota Innova and went off to sleep.
It was only in the morning, he realised where he had parked his car, thanks to eager Mumbaikars (who btw don’t like people jaywalking on the platform, and this time there was a damn car sitting on the platform), who were getting ready to board their respective trains.
Railway police soon arrived at the spot. Rajesh was arrested under sections 154 (Endangering safety of persons travelling by railway), 145 (nuisance), and 147 (trespassing into railway territory) of the Railway Act of 1989. The police also impounded the Innova.
This is not the first time a Mumbai railway station has been in news. A little more than a year ago, a Mumbai local train probably exceeding requisite speed limit overstepped the buffer to come to a crash on the Churchgate platform.
That ill-fated morning saw an Electrical Multiple Unit (aka local train) ram head on into the dead-end buffer on platform No.2 at Churchgate Station, Mumbai. The incident occurred at 11.20 am while attempts to move the train’s mangled coach from the platform took over 10 hours.
Panic ensued as this Mumbai Local Train hit a buffer at Churchgate station causing the train to decouple and jump the front of the platform. (A buffer is a special safety feature installed so as to stop the train and absorb shocks in the case of overshooting.)
An inquiry panel has been formed to probe exact cause of the incident which left five persons with minor injuries. However, senior railway officials surmise that the Mumbai Local Train, which is permitted to enter a platform at a speed of 30 kmph could have been over speeding while the motorman could have failed to apply brakes in time. It is believed that the incident was 99 percent due to human error and there is only 1 percent possibility of technical fault. In the meanwhile, pending inquiry, the motorman, guard and locomotive inspector have been suspended.
Major catastrophe was averted as the incident occurred on Sunday morning when Churchgate, one of the busiest stations on Western Railway line is not so crowded while one eyewitness stated that the train came dangerously close to a coffee shop at the station. Chaos prevailed at the station as a horde of onlookers attempted to take out photos of the Mumbai Local Train even as the police tried to cordon off the area to speed up repair operations.