HomeBike NewsTop 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 - Splendor, Activa, Pulsar, Jupiter, Access,...

Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 – Splendor, Activa, Pulsar, Jupiter, Access, Ola S1

2024 Hero Splendor XTEC 2.0
2024 Hero Splendor XTEC 2.0

Ola S1 is the only EV in the list of top 10 two wheelers for June 2024 – Splendor sales crossed 3 lakh last month

Sales figures for the top 10 two-wheelers in India for June 2024 have been revealed, showcasing a significant shift in consumer preferences. Leading the pack is Hero Splendor, with an impressive 3,05,586 units sold, marking a 28.21% year-on-year growth and securing a substantial market share of 27.33%.

Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 – YoY Comparison

Honda Activa follows closely with 2,33,376 units sold, showing a remarkable 78.38% growth compared to the previous year and capturing 20.87% of the market. Honda Shine also performed well, selling 1,39,587 units, which represents a 40.64% increase from June 2023 and a 12.48% market share.

Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 - YoY Comparison
Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 – YoY Comparison

Bajaj Pulsar maintained its steady performance with 1,11,101 units sold, reflecting a 3.63% growth and holding a 9.94% market share. Hero HF Deluxe saw minimal growth of 0.75%, with 89,941 units sold, retaining its position with an 8.04% market share. TVS Jupiter scooter enjoyed a solid growth of 12.21%, selling 72,100 units and capturing 6.45% of the market. Similarly, Suzuki Access showed robust growth, selling 52,192 units and securing a 4.67% market share.

TVS XL 100 moped registered a growth of 17.10%, with 40,397 units sold and a market share of 3.61%. TVS Apache, a sporty motorcycle, saw significant growth, with 37,162 units sold, marking a 32.12% increase and a market share of 3.32%. Notably, Ola S1 electric scooter showcased an impressive growth of 107.57%, selling 36,723 units and holding a market share of 3.28%.

No Top 10 2Wheelers Jun-24 Jun-23 Diff Growth % YoY % Share Jun 24
1 Hero Splendor 3,05,586 2,38,340 67,246 28.21 27.33
2 Honda Activa 2,33,376 1,30,830 1,02,546 78.38 20.87
3 Honda Shine 1,39,587 99,254 40,333 40.64 12.48
4 Bajaj Pulsar 1,11,101 1,07,208 3,893 3.63 9.94
5 Hero HF Deluxe 89,941 89,275 666 0.75 8.04
6 TVS Jupiter 72,100 64,252 7,848 12.21 6.45
7 Suzuki Access 52,192 39,503 12,689 32.12 4.67
8 TVS XL 100 40,397 34,499 5,898 17.10 3.61
9 TVS Apache 37,162 28,127 9,035 32.12 3.32
10 Ola S1 (Retail) 36,723 17,692 19,031 107.57 3.28
Total 11,18,165 8,48,980 2,69,185 31.71 100.00

Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 – MoM Comparison

Taking a look at the month on month comparison, sales in June 2024 have declined by 1.5%. Hero Splendor leads the list with 3,05,586 units sold, showing a slight increase of 923 units from May 2024, representing a modest 0.30% month-on-month growth.

Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 - MoM Comparison
Top 10 Two Wheelers June 2024 – MoM Comparison

Honda Activa follows closely with 2,33,376 units sold, demonstrating a significant rise of 17,024 units from the previous month, which translates to a 7.87% growth. On the other hand, Honda Shine experienced a decline, with 1,39,587 units sold, a drop of 9,467 units compared to May, reflecting a -6.35% growth.

Bajaj Pulsar saw a considerable reduction in sales, with 1,11,101 units sold, down by 17,379 units from the previous month, indicating a -13.53% growth. Hero HF Deluxe, in contrast, recorded an increase, selling 89,941 units, an uptick of 2,798 units from May. TVS Jupiter scooter faced a decline in sales, with 72,100 units sold, a decrease of 3,738 units, resulting in a -4.93% growth.

Suzuki Access also showed a significant drop, selling 52,192 units, down by 12,620 units from the previous month, marking a -19.47% growth. TVS XL 100 moped remained steady, with 40,397 units sold, showing a minimal increase of just 3 units from May. TVS Apache, known for its sporty appeal, saw a slight decline in sales, with 37,162 units sold, a decrease of 744 units, translating to a -1.96% growth. Notably, Ola S1 electric scooter showed a minor reduction, with 36,723 units sold, down by 502 units.

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