YoY sales growth of top 10 two wheelers was recorded at 19.13 percent in November 2022, dominated once again by stalwarts Hero Splendor and Honda Activa
As the year 2022 draws to a close, a positive sentiment was seen across the two and four wheeler segments. While top 10 car sales increased by 35.09 percent YoY, top 10 two wheeler sales saw a 19.13 percent growth.
We take a look at how the top 10 two wheelers performed in the past month. Sales of top 10 two wheelers increased in Nov 2022 to 8,85,877 units from 7,43,635 units sold in Nov 2021. This was a growth of 19.13 percent YoY or 1,42,242 units. This was however a MoM sales de-growth from 10,64,908 units sold in Oct 2022.
Top 10 Two-Wheeler Sales Nov 2022
Hero Splendor topped the sales charts last month with 2,65,588 units sold, a 37.97 percent YoY growth over 1,92,490 units sold in Nov 2021. This was a 73,098 unit growth with the Splendor commanding a 29.98 percent share.
At No. 2 was Honda Activa with a 41.10 percent YoY growth to 1,75,084 units sold in Nov 2022 up from 1,24,082 units sold in Nov 2021. Honda CB Shine came in next on this list of top 10 two wheeler sales in Nov 2022 with 1,14,965 units sold last month, up 37.48 percent from 83,622 units sold in Nov 2021.
There was also the Bajaj Pulsar at No. 4 with 72,735 units sold in Nov 2022 as against 61,913 units sold in Nov 2021, relating to a 17.48 percent YoY growth. Bajaj Pulsar commanded an 8.21 percent share in this list and includes all variants of the series from 125cc to 250cc among which are Pulsar 125, NS125, 150, N160, NS160, NS200, RS200, N250, and F250.
HF Deluxe, Suzuki Access, TVS Jupiter
HF Deluxe sales took a fall in Nov 2022 by 14.54 percent to 65,074 units, down from 76,149 units sold in Nov 2021. Suzuki Access and TVS Jupiter came in next with YoY sales growth of 13.26 percent and 7.44 percent respectively.
Access sales were at 48,113 units in the past month, up from 42,481 units sold in Nov 2021 while Jupiter saw its sales increase to 47,422 units last month as against 44,139 unit sales in Nov 2021. TVS is also slated to upscale the Jupiter range, which includes Jupiter, Jupiter ZX, Jupiter Classic and Jupiter 125, in 2023 with newer features.
Top 10 2Wheelers | Nov-22 | Nov-21 | Growth % YoY |
1. Hero Splendor | 2,65,588 | 1,92,490 | 37.97 |
2. Honda Activa | 1,75,084 | 1,24,082 | 41.10 |
3. Honda CB Shine | 1,14,965 | 83,622 | 37.48 |
4. Bajaj Pulsar | 72,735 | 61,913 | 17.48 |
5. Hero HF Deluxe | 65,074 | 76,149 | -14.54 |
6. Suzuki Access | 48,113 | 42,481 | 13.26 |
7. TVS Jupiter | 47,422 | 44,139 | 7.44 |
8. TVS XL 100 | 34,465 | 42,558 | -19.02 |
9. Bajaj Platina | 33,702 | 60,646 | -44.43 |
10. Honda CB Unicorn | 28,729 | 15,555 | 84.69 |
Total | 8,85,877 | 7,43,635 | 19.13 |
YoY sales de-growth was reported for both the TVS XL100 (34,465 units) and Bajaj Platina (33,702 units) by 19.02 percent and 44.43 percent respectively. The maximum YoY sales growth was seen in the case of CB Unicorn by 13,174 units or 84.69 percent to 28,729 units in Nov 2022 up from 15,555 units sold in Nov 2021.