Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of Road, Transport and Highways has indicated that the Government is seeking dedicated vehicle scrapyards for dumping of old vehicles. These srapyards will also treat and recyclye vehicles.
Speaking in Mumbai on the issue, Gadkari stated that the issue of scrapping of vehicles was a major concern especially in view of recent decisions taken by National Green Tribunal to ban diesel vehicles over 10 years old in Delhi. This ban, though not come into effect could result in an astronomical number of vehicles being banned, dumping of which could have an adverse effect on environment.
Creation of special zones where vehicles can be scrapped and processed is being mulled with two ports earmarked. One is on the outskirts of Chennai while the other could be in Kandla. This planning is still in its early stages and will have to be worked on with details to be revealed in due course.
In the meantime, the Ministry is also set to introduce a new Motor Vehicle Act in the next session of Parliament wherein new norms of motor vehicles in India will be introduced, which manufacturers and dealers will have to adhere to.
Rate of road construction has increased 6 times since the BJP government came into power.The Union Minister of Road, Transport and Highways also highlights the increased pace of road construction over the past few months. Road construction which was at 2 km per day has been increased to 12 km per day following the BJP Government coming into power. This pace is set to increase even further to 30 km per day over the next year.
via ET Auto