A serious accident took place on the Katraj Kondhwa bypass at 11 am on Tuesday morning. A trailer, loaded with iron plates was on its way to the Khadi Machine Chowk from Katraj when the driver apparently lost control of the vehicle. Though no one was injured in the four vehicle pileup, several vehicles were damaged and traffic at that busy chowk was halted for 90 minutes.
First, the out of control speeding trailer, still in gear, hit a car on the driver’s side pressing it to the left side. Realizing what had occurred, the trailer driver abandoned the vehicle and jumped out, leaving it to freewheel.
This caused the trailer to ram into two cars and an SUV (Renault Duster) which was flung into the air only to land on another car (Volkswagen Vento). The trailer came to a standstill only because it hit a dumper, thereby averting any further damage. Built quality of the Vento made sure no one inside was injured, in spite of approx. 1,500 kg car sitting on top of it.
A police team from the Kondhwa police station and traffic division rushed to the spot. A massive traffic jam occurred while a crane had to be called in to move the damaged vehicles to the sides of the road. The driver of the trailer, Abdul Hakikulla from Uttar Pradesh, has been booked for rash and negligent driving while the trailer has been seized. Watch the video below.
Onlookers noted the trailer coming along the road. They also saw it hitting the car and three other vehicles and confirm that the trailer was been driven at a high speed which probably caused the driver to lose control.
The Khadi Machine Chowk in Kondhwa is a death trap. It is a highly congested area and heavy vehicles move through this chowk all through the day and night. Several accidents have occurred at this killer spot. Overtaking is rampant while the steep slope is also the cause of most accidents in the area.