A shocking incident of accident caused due to bad roads has come to light. The entire incident has been caught on CCTV. 34 year old Shilpa Puri was heading home after work. Near Utsav Chowk, she was in the lane where the road was broken and laden with potholes. That lane was not renovated like other lanes, because a service cable was to be inserted for metro construction.
Like any other rider, Shilpa decides to change lane and get on the smoother tarmac. But due to uneven leveling between the two lanes, she could not manage and loses balance. Sadly, just behind was a hydraulic crane. As soon as she fell, the crane ran over her. Watch the video below.
What is surprising is that the crane did not stop, in spite of the fact that the helper of the driver who was sitting in the front, who also saw the woman getting crushed under the crane’s wheel, decided not to stop and continue like it was business as usual.
Behind Shilpa were three guys on a bike. They saw the incident in front of their eyes. But still decided to run away from the accident scene. More people see Shilpa lying on the road, but no one comes forward to help. After some time, a biker stops and notifies the cop. They arrange help and take her body to hospital where she is declared dead on arrival.
Yes, local authorities are to be blamed. If a section of the road is unfinished, it should have been cordoned off. But considering past experiences, in such cases the police blame the rider / driver.
For bikers who face such a situation daily – whenever you are changing lane, and there is an uneven surface, try to approach the new lane with as much angle as possible. This will reduce the chances of you losing balance.