Categories: Everything Else Top Stories
March 11, 2015 1:36 am

Bikers give live demo on how to save a small dog

Bikers may often draw flak, whether it be for their need to ride, overtaking on highways or loud revving. While the bad boys reputation has for long been associated with biker gangs, here’s a highway episode that will leave you wondering why. As those using a highway will confirm that almost always a dog running freely on a highway will either pay with life or cause an accident, here’s a group of bikers who owned the moment to show road users how to save a small dog.

Bikers work out how to save a small dog

A little fluffy confused brown dog finds itself on a highway in full view of the bikers and starts to run without direction. It would clearly have come into contact with passing vehicles had the bikers not been proactive in figuring out how to save a small dog. Instantaneously, all bikers made a concerted effort to save the animal from certain death by riding along with it in the hope of catching it. In the meantime, few parked their bikes on the side and made every effort to catch up with the little dog.

The bikers strategically stopped all traffic because of their slow riding and bike barricade, and were quick to respond when the dog almost ran over to the other side. What looks like a bakers dozen, soon work like a cool strategy team by whistling, cajoling and running and riding to catch the dog. While this could very well have led to a pileup, if not an accident, all’s well that ends well. The camera wearing biker, much like the other runners surely didn’t set out to be left panting on the highway. It’s one and half minutes of delayed track, soft tackles galore and random running for a lesson on how to save a small dog. The video first appeared online last month.

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