A documentary titled – ‘Backfire: The Volkswagen Fraud of the Century’ is being made by Steve Kalafer, the 66 year old producer of over 16 documentary films (3 of them receiving Oscar nomination). Kalafer, who is also a Volkswagen dealer, wishes to bring out facts about the Volkswagen diesel emission crisis.
Kalafer has been oen car dealerships for over 39 years. He is currently Chairman of Flemington Car & Truck Country, which owns a family of 17 dealerships, one of them is a VW.
Viewing the VW Dieselgate emission scandal as a clear case of cheating by the company, Kalafer wishes to bring out further details with the new documentary Backfire: The Volkswagen Fraud of the Century.
In the film, he emphasizes unsatisfactory reactions of the company executives to this open case of cheating while bringing out more facts and figures of the scandal. The film will also highlight harm caused to customers and dealers who have stood by VW over the years and put their life savings into VW franchises. He states that till date, VW has been silent on how the company plans to compensate these affected customers and dealers.
Speaking at an interview in the lobby of Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas at the National Automobile Dealers Association, Kalafer stated that he has yet to decide whether Backfire: The Volkswagen Fraud of the Century will be a single documentary or a series. It will bring out stories of both customers and dealers and the impact the dieselgate scandal has had on their lives.
via autonews