30 year old biker girl, Nikki Misurelli from Alaska hopes to inspire and motivate bikers around the world to pursue their dreams and not let any negative statements stand in their way.
Nikki always wanted to tour the world on a motorcycle, like a true biker by heart. That’s all she ever needed as motivation. Soon she collected enough money, and set-off on a world solo trip.
Travelling on her Honda CBR 600RR sport bike, Nikki sold off all her possessions and worked part time to fund this trip. She then set off from her home state of Alaska, traveled to the Panama in Central America. She visited 9 countries over the next 6 months and experienced many cultures and studied the people of the lands she traveled to.
She travelled over 12,000 miles across Europe, Northern Africa and to the rest of the world. She led a nomad life, clicked selfies of herself at different locations, posting photos on Instagram which has earned her much attention.
Nikki’s future plans involve rides to the Middle East and Northern Africa. She does not have an exact route planned and takes to the road at random. She is thankful for her mental and physical strength that has stood her in good stead over these adventures while she has also learned a great deal about herself.
UPDATE – Social media is abuzz with stories that Nikki did this road trip because her boyfriend had stated that she cannot do it as she is a girl. That is not true. Below is what Nikki posted on her facebook page –
“Hey everyone! I’m sure many of you have seen articles about me all day. Remember, this is social media, so of course it is going to go viral and the stories get a little twisted, but no worries. Just understand that some of these companies never actually reached out to me or interviewed me, they just wrote whatever they wanted in their articles. :-/
This link below is from CNN, Travel and Leisure, who actually reached out to me and did an interview and got the facts, so be sure to check this one out! It’s not so negative and twisted like some of these other ones!
And just to clarify, I NEVER told anyone that I did this trip out of spite of my ex boyfriend or for revenge. My ex is simply the one who gave me the brilliant idea that it is possible to travel cross-country on a motorcycle, and I had the time and funds to go for it solo! I am grateful and thankful for this ex for being my inspiration and motivation! No anger, no revenge, no hate, just love and thanks.”
Below are ome beatiful photos form her world trip –
To see more images, head to her instagram account – alaskamotogirl