Newly launched Mahindra XUV300 has managed to beat Tata Nexon in sales for the month of April 2019. This is the first time sales of Mahindra XUV300 are higher than that of Tata Nexon. Mahindra XUV300 was launched in Feb 2019, and every since, has posted consistent sales.
Tata Nexon on the other hand, has registered a sharp decline. This is the first time in 2019, that the sales have been below 5k mark. For April 2019, sales of Tata Nexon stood at 3,976 units. For the same period, sales of Mahindra XUV300 stood at 4,200 units.
Topping the sales chart, was Maruti Brezza with 11,785 units. On the 4th spot was Ford EcoSport with 3,191 units, followed by Honda WRV with 1,604 units sold. On the fifth spot was the Mahindra TUV300, of whose 1,250 units were sold.
Unlike Tata Nexon, which is on offer with MT as well as AMT variants with both of its petrol and diesel engine, Mahindra XUV300 is only offered with manual transmission with petrol / diesel engine. It is expected to get an AMT unit later this month, which will definitely boost sales further.
Entering this segment of compact SUVs this month, is the new Hyundai Venue, whose production started today at company plant in Chennai. Hyundai Venue will be India’s first connected car. It will come with an eSIM which will allow it to communicate with the owner via an app. It will also get many first in class features, thanks to the connected car technology.
Along with Mahindra XUV300 AMT, there is also an electric version in the making which could make its debut at the 2020 Auto Expo. The XUV300 electric has been spied testing on the outskirts of Bengaluru. It will see no deviation in terms of features as seen on its standard model and will also sport the same dimensions. Mahindra XUV300 electric will be offered in two versions – Standard Range and Long Range.
The Standard Range will be capable of 200 kms range which will be extended to 350-400 kms on the Long Range. The Li-ion batteries to power the XUV300 electric have been developed by SsangYong in alliance with G Chem. The batteries are compact in size and offer more power contributing to an extended range. The XUV300 electric will benefit from the FAME Phase 2 scheme introduced in the country and could be priced at around Rs.20 lakhs